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Grand Assembly 2007

Andrea's Installation

Official Visit 2006

Emily's Installation

Grand Assembly 2003

Grand Assembly 2000

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Gran Assembly 2003

This year we had so many reasons to be excited about Grand Assembly. Mrs. Jones and Amanda both were rewarded with the Grand Cross of Colour, Mrs. Ferranti was the Mother Advisor for Grand Assembly, Christie was Assistant to the Grand Musician, and Amanda was a Grand Observer Helper and the Active Designate for the Grand Cross of Colour Degree. Sheena was our newest member and had to go through her "first timer" GA experience and got a little messy. Then Emily and the rest of the Area Volleyball Team won the State Trophy!

Amanda and the other Observer Helpers enter for Informal Opening.

Christie takes an unorthodox approach to her Grand Musician Helper duties. What more did they expect from Santa Cruz?

Christie, Sheena, Rosie, Emily, and Amanda take a moment to Mrs. Williams. She always helps out with our Assembly and is currently serving as Grand Esther in Eastern Star.

Amanda wishes her sister, Emily, "Good Luck" before the "Big Game"
Third Time's The Charm
The Breuer's Bandits are the only team to make it to the State Finals every year since Rainbow added the volleyball game to its annual programme. This time, they finally won.
Grand Cross of Color Degree
New Masters of the Grand Cross of Color Mrs. Jones and Amanda James smile with Mrs. Ferranti (center). Amanda was the Active Designate for the ceremony.
Grand Cross of Color Degree
Amanda, the most recent girl to receive the medallion poses with past recipiants Sara, Crystal, and Sylvia.
Santa Cruz Assembly #28
The girls pose after a truly Grand Assembly.