
About Rainbow

What's New


Fall/Winter 2007 Calandar

Grand Assembly 2007

Andrea's Installation

Official Visit 2006

Emily's Installation

Grand Assembly 2003

Grand Assembly 2000

Past Grandies

Guest Book

Rainbow Links

Welcome to Santa Cruz Assembly #28

International Order of the Rainbow for Girls

Boogie Woogie Bumble Bees of '08

Congrats to our new Grand Officers! Andrea is going to be an inspiring Grand Fidelity and Emily is going to be a truly amazing Representative to Maryland & West Virginia.

Grand Fidelity is ours...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And so is the Gr. Rep. to MD/WV
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Allegiance Statement
This website acknowledges allegiance to the Supreme Assembly, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls,whose seat of authority is in McAlester, Oklahoma, U.S.A., of which Reverend W. Mark Sexson was the founder, Mrs. Marjorie Wilson, Sweet Home, Oregon, U.S.A. is Supreme Worthy Advisor and Mrs. Sara Lee Martin is Supreme Deputy in California